CBP News
Student Achievements
APS Chapter at Arizona State University (ASU) is highlighted by APS for their new video series - APS Chapter at ASU Research Highlights
The American Physical Society (APS) recently highlighted a new video series created by the Arizona State University Chapter. The APS Chapter at ASU Research Highlights series involves professional shoots featuring graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, presenting their research and its impacts in easy-to-understand videos disseminated to a broad audience on YouTube. Click here to see the full article.

BPS 2020 Art Contest Winner : Fiona Naughton
Fiona Naughton, post-doctoral scholar working with Dr. Oliver Beckstein, won first place in the Art of Science Image Contest at this year's annual BPS (BioPhysical Society) meeting with her illustration, “If Proteins Were Cats.” The Art of Science Image Contest is a feature every year, with approximately 10 finalists chosen to display their work in an open exhibit. Winners are determined by the vote of the conference attendees. “Often, the entries are more directly obtained in the course of research, and I was a bit worried people might find a cat sketch too silly or irrelevant — so I was happy to know that people had liked it and really excited to win first place!” Naughton said. “It was great to see the effort I'd put into it pay off.”