Principal Investigator

Dr. Banu Ozkan
Department of Physics, School of Molecular Sciences
Contact Information:
Office: PSF, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA-85287
S. Banu Ozkan’s research is focused on theoretical models and computer simulations in biological physics. Her background is in a broad range of methods, including lattice models, elastic network methods, dynamics, and all-atom physics-based computer simulations. Professor Ozkan has several research interests: (i) To understand the principles of sequence-structure-function relationships in proteins, i.e., how the amino acid sequence encodes the protein’s specific structure and function, (ii) How dynamics governs protein mechanisms, (iii) How proteins assemble into macromolecular machines, (iv) The dynamics of protein machines, and (v) The prediction of protein-protein interactions and interfaces, taking into account chain flexibility.
Paul Campitelli

I. Can (John) Kazan

Jin Lu

Tushar Modi

Nicholas Ose